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aoefengshui ZWDS Foundation Course 

You might have read a lot of ZWDS articles and a few books already, but still don’t have a clear picture when facing some of the charts.


You might know some flying star principles already, but still not sure which way to fly in some cases. 

You might have zero knowledge of ZWDS at moment and try to find a way to start with.

You might know the meaning of single star already, but hard to tell the difference when double stars combined together in certain palaces.


What you really need is:

A ZWDS reference ebook which included:

 1) The meanings of the all ZWDS Palaces from people, events and wealth point of view.

2) The difference of Life Si-Hua, Flying Si-Hua, Self-Hua and Self-Hua to opposite palace.

3) The meaning of Si-Hua & its application in all ZWDS palaces from people, events and wealth point of view.

4) The Flying Stars Concept & 8 Flying Star Principals.

5) The meaning of Double Si-Hua.

6) ZWDS Star Research Methods and the meaning of Single Star, Double Stars and the Star Applications for Marriage, Disease, Objects &
     Career Planning.

7) ZWDS chart analyze skills with case study.


USD $115 (270 Pages B5 ebook with study notes + FAQs)

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